Purple Klippe


Purple Mekanisk Klippe

It’s the GMK Plum keycaps on a Sentraq S-60X PCB with Mekanisk brass plate in a Mekanisk Klippe purple aluminium case. This was a spur of the moment but turned out quite nice. Switches are Retooled Cheery Blacks lubed with Tribosys 3204, switch filmed and 68gr SPRiT springs and stabilizers are genuine Cherry ones, modded as usual. The case is also lined with dampening mat in the bottom to further reduce sound.

The keyboard sounds and feels very nice and althought I am not a super fan of the 60% layout it’s a very nice typing experience, and it looks stunning. The sound is deep, muted and has a nice thocc to it, but since it’s a tray-mounted PCB it’s a bit inconsistent due to the unevenly spread mounting points. There’s some very small o-rings between the stand-offs and PCB to further reduce the vibrations. Paired with the purple deskmat it is really a purple overdose.


Backside showing of the Mekanisk logo
More backside shots
Close-up of the front left corner